OSEA-CITE: Heritage Ethnography Field School / Tourism Studies, Ethnography of Archaeology, Archaeological Ethnography, Ethnographic Archaeology / Study Abroad

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OSEA Ethnography Field School, 7 Week Calendar

Schedule of Activities
Specific activities can change for each year. Note however that the dates and times of arrival do not change. Students must take these times of arrival and departure into consideration when planning their trips and flights. On the OSEA travel information pages you can find out about travel times and bus schedules to/from Piste to airports in order to make appropriate travel plans.

Arrival Day Arrival by 12pm on-site at OSEA
Orientation Meeting and Lunch
Students start homestay
Week 1 Seminars
Ethnographic Methods, Anthropology Seminar


Week 2 Seminars
Ethnographic Methods and Anthropology Seminar
Chichen Itza Field Trip
Week 3 Seminars -- 3 sessions only
Ethnographic Methods and Anthropology Seminar

Students Initiate Independent Fieldwork -- 70% time committment

Week 4

Seminars -- 2 sessions only
Ethnographic Methods and Anthropology of Heritage

90% Time to Indepedent Fieldwork

Week 5 Ethnography Workshops
To discuss student fieldwork process
UIMQRoo Field Trip
Week 6 Ethnography Workshops & Research Conference
(formal presentation of student projects to date; development of analytical-interpretative frame)
Ethnography Research
Week 7

Ethnography Workshop &
Writing Up Student Ethnography, including lab work to prepare research portfolio & write-up ethnography

Ethnography Reesarch

Writing Up Research Project

Day of Departure

Final Program Day

Final Group Meeting and De-Briefing

Departures FROM Pisté AFTER 11am
[Calculate 3hrs minimum to get to Cancun Airport by Taxi or 2hrs to get to Merida Airport by Taxi]

Completion of Student Portfolios and Submission of Final Projects

NOTE: Specific locations and dates for Program Field Excursions are open to on-site modification during the Field School.




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