Quetzil Castaneda, Anthropologist and Director of OSEA. Interdisciplinary Field Study Abroad Programs Quetzil Castaneda's Publications.

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OSEA Field Study Abroad Programs in Mexico



Quetzil Castañeda (continued from previous page)


Book, Sole Author
1996             In The Museum of Maya Culture: Touring Chichén Itzá.  Minneapolis: University                   of Minnesota Press.

Edited Books and Edited Journal Issues
2008              co-editor (with Chris Matthews), Ethnographic Archaeologies: Reflections on                   Ethnography and Stakeholders in Archaeology. AltaMira Press, expected 2008.
2004             co-editor (with Juan Castillo Cocom), Estrategias Identitarias: Educación y La                   Antropología Histórica en Yucatán.  Mérida, Yucatán, México:  Universidad                   Pedagógica Nacional (UPN), the Open School of Ethnography and Anthropology                   (OSEA), and Secretaria de Educación of Yucatán (SE).
2004             co-editor (with Ben Fallaw), The Maya Identity of Yucatan, 1500-1935:                    Re-Thinking Ethnicity, Anthropology and History.  Theme Issue of the Journal of>                   Latin American Anthropology, vol. 9 (1): 36-198.

Ethnographic Film
1997             co-filmmaker & co-producer (with Jeff Himpele), Incidents of Travel in Chichén                   Itzá. Watertown, MA: Documentary Educational Resources (Distributor). 90 mins.

Work in Progress, Book Projects, Journal Manuscripts and Video Projects
n.d.               Ko’ox Dzikbal Maayat’aan! / Let’s Talk Maya! A Field Guide to Conversational                   Yucatec Maya.  Book manuscript and language learning video, work in progress.
n.d.               From Strategic Essentialism to Essential Strategies:  Neo-Liberal Privatization                   of the Past, Forms of Indigeneity, and Legal Pluralism in the Ownership of                   Cultural Heritage. Journal article manuscript, work in progress
n.d.               co-author (with Jennifer Burtner), Tourism as Politics: Embargo on a “Force for                   World Peace.” work in progress

In press,
n.d.               Notes on the Work of Heritage in the Age of Archaeological Reproduction. In                   Lena Mortensen and Julie Hollowell, eds., Archaeologies and Ethnographies:  Book                   contract with University Press of Florida, publication expected 2008.

Published Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Chapters in Books, Sole Author
2006      The Invisible Theatre of Ethnography: The Performative Principles of FieldworkAnthropological Quarterly, vol. 79(1):75-104.
2006      Ethnography in the Forest: An Analysis of Ethics in the Morals of Anthropology. Cultural Anthropology, vol.21(1):125-145.
2005      The Carnegie Mission and Vision of Science: Institutional Contexts of Maya Archaeology and Espionage. Histories of Anthropology Annual, vol.1: 37-74.
2005      Community Collaboration and Ethnographic Intervention: Dialogues in the Pisté Maya Art World. Practicing Anthropology, vol. 27 (4): 31-34.
2005     Between Pure and Applied Research: Ethnography in a Transcultural Tourist Art World.    UNAPA Bulletin, #23: 87-118.
2004       Art-Writing in the Maya Art World of Chichén Itzá: Transcultural Ethnography and Experimental Fieldwork. American Ethnologist, vol. 31 (1): 21-42.
2004     “We Are Not Indigenous!”:  An Introduction to the Maya Identity of Yucatán. Journal of Latin American Anthropology, vol. 9 (1): 36-63.
2003     New and Old Social Movements: Measuring Pisté, From the “Mouth of the Well” to the 107th Municipio of Yucatán. Ethnohistory, vol. 50 (4): 611-642.
2003     Stocking’s Historiography of Influence: Boas, Gamio, and Redfield at the Cross “Road to Light.” Critique of Anthropology, vol. 23 (3): 235-262.
2002     Postcolonial Toponymy: Writing Forward “in Reverse.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies: Travesia, vol. 11 (2): 119-134.
2000   Approaching Ruins:  A Photo-Ethnographic Essay on the Busy Intersections of Chichén Itzá. Visual Anthropology Review, vol. 16 (2) Fall/Winter, pp. 43-70.
2000             The Topography of Maya Culture: On the Political and Scriptural Economy of the Modernizing Maya. UEstudios de Cultura MayaU, vol. 21: 249-265.
1997             On the Correct Training of Indios at the Handicraft Market at Chichén Itzá. Journal of Latin American Anthropology, vol. 2 (2): 106-143.
1995             La economía “escritural” y la invención de las culturas mayas en el “Museo” de Chichén Itzá.  URevista Española de Antropología AmericanaU, num. 25: 181-203.
1995             “The Progress that Chose A Village”: A Mysterious Impact and the Scandal of Zero‑Degree Culture. Critique of Anthropology, vol. 15 (2): 115‑147.
Published Chapters in Books, Sole Author
2004             Gubernamentalidad y Cuidadanía. In J. Castillo Cocom and Q. E. Castañeda, editors, Estrategias Identitarias. Mérida, México: UPN, SE and OSEA,  pp. 141-146.
2001             Aura of Ruins.  In Gilbert Joseph, Anne Rubenstein, and Eric Zolov, editors. Fragments of a Golden Age.  Duke University Press, pp. 452-467.
2001             Territorializing Town and Country.  In John Weeks, editor. The Past and Present Maya. Lancaster, CA: Labyrinthos, pp. 179-206.
1995             Zero‑Degree Culture, the Golden Chicken, Impact at the Mouth of the Well and Other Scandals. In Carmen Varela, Juan L. Bonor, and Yolanda Fernández, editors. Religión y Sociedad en el Área Maya. Madrid: S.E.E.M., pp. 295-310.

Book Reviews
2005             Book Review, Pluralizing Ethnography (by John Watanabe & Edward Fischer, editors. Santa Fe: SAR). In Journal of Latin American Anthropology, vol. 10 (2): 450-452.
2001             Book Review, Mayan People Within and Beyond Boundaries (by Peter Hervik). Journal of Latin American Studies, vol. 33 (3):620-622.
1994             Book Reviews, Innovation in Ethnographic Film (by P. Loizos) and Reading National Geographic (by Catherine A. Lutz & Jane L. Collins). Ethnohistory, vol. 42(1):173.
1994             Book Review, Exits From The Labyrinth (by Claudio Lomnitz Adler). American Anthropologist, vol. 94 (4): 1015‑16.

Invited Scholarly Commentaries on Professional Academic Journal Articles
2002             Commentary on “The Social Life of Pre-Sunrise Things” by Byron Hammon. Current Anthropology, vol. 43 (2): 270.
1999             Commentary on “Cultural Logic and Maya Identity” by Ted Fischer. Current Anthropology, vol. 40 (4): 488-489.

Prologues to Scholarly Books Aimed at Popular Audiences
1996             Prologo. In Michel Antichiw UHistoria de los Pueblos de Chichén Itzá (PistéU). Pub.#8, CECIJEMA.  Mérida, México: Gráficas del Sureste.
1995             Prologo. In Lindsay Jones, UStories of Chichén Itzá:  Imagination and (Re)constructionU. CECIJEMA #6. Mérida, México: C. Editorial de la Península.

Articles in Lay and Scholarly Newspapers
2005             On the Tourism Wars of Yucatán:  Tíich’, the Maya Presentation of Heritage. Anthropology Newsletter, May, pp. 8-9.
1989             Breve reseña histórica: En la época colonial, Pisté tuvo categoría de alcaldía (with B. Burgos Cen). UDiario de YucatánU, sec. local, p. 4-5. May 13. Mérida.

Art Exhibition Catalog
1999             Ah Dzib P'izté' Modern Maya Art In Ancient Traditions. Exhibition Catalog, Durand Art Institute, December 2-10, 1999. Lake Forest, IL: Lake Forest College.

Translated and Republished Articles
n.d.               Translated into Spanish and republished, Stocking’s Historiography of Influence in Juan V. Palerm, editor, Gamio y la Migracion Mexicana Hacia USA vol. 3. México DF: CIESAS, forthcoming.
2004             Translated into Spanish and republished, “We Are Not Indigenous!” as Introducción a la Identidad Maya de Yucatán. In J. Castillo Cocom and Q. E. Castañeda, editors, Estrategias Identitarias. Mérida, México: UPN, SE and OSEA, pp. 1-32.
2004             Translated into Spanish and republished, New and Old Social Movements as Nuevos y Viejos Movimientos Sociales In J. Castillo Cocom and Q. E. Castañeda, editors, Estrategias Identitarias. Mérida, México: UPN, SE and OSEA, pp. 193-224.
1996             Republished, La economía “escritural” y la invención de las culturas mayas en el “Museo” de Chichén Itzá. In CECIJEMA #7. Mérida, México: C. Editorial. de la Pen.




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