OSEA Schedule of Fees for Summer Field Study Abroad Programs in Interdisciplinary Cultural Anthropology . TESL, Teaching English Service Learning, Ethnography of Archaeology, Heritge Ethnography, Tourism Studies, Intensive Maya Language Immersion, Learn Maya, teaching Maya as a second language acquisition, Mexico
Application Materials
All applications are available online via links on this page. Please click on the BOLD RED Heading to go directly to the online application
Links to Online Applications
Please note that this system does not support "save and resume (later)". You must complete the entire application at one sitting. See below to review the information that you will be required to submit on the online application form.
OSEA Maya Language Immersion
Please have ready: contact information for your letter of recommendation; contact information for your FLAS representative if applicable (that is, if you are a graduate student and at a university with a Title VI National Resource Center in Latin American & Caribbean Studies); a max.. of 500 word statement on your interests in Maya language and culture, including your research needs, motivations, expectations, and goals in studying Maya.
Homestay Request and Preference Form for all Ethnography participants. Optional for Spanish, Maya, and Teaching English participants who would like to request homestay experience
Transcripts Transcripts are required for Ethnography Field School and Teaching English Service Learning, but these need not originate directly from your university. While you may have your school send the transcript directly to us, we would actually prefer if you were to scan a copy of current official transcripts that you have in your possession and send it as an attachment to onlineapps@osea-cite.org.
Letters of Recommendation
OSEA requires only one letter of recommendation for each of its programs. A second letter is optional and at the discretion of the applicant.
Letters of Recommendation are not required for either language programs, that is, the Intensive Maya Immersion or the Intensive Spanish Immersion.
Spanish Proficiency Forms: Who Needs to Submit Them?
Every applicant to every program is required to submit the Self-Assessment Spanish Proficiency Form. Every applicant to every program, with the exception of the Intensive Maya Immersion, to also submit a third party Spanish Evaluation Form or letter of recommendation about the applicant's level of Spanish and suggested target areas to prioritize in learning.
Participants in Intensive Maya Immersion need not have a Spanish evaluation. So long as the Self-Assessment Spanish is submitted we do not need a third-person evaluation. Be aware: A little Spanish for this program helps, but high proficiency in Spanish might actually be detrimental to the immersion learning as it could provide an easy escape route or option to pushing oneself to master Maya in all contexts!
OSEA Heritage Ethnography Field School Application Short Essay Questions
OSEA is interested to know about your unique individual skills, experiences, strengths and weaknesses. The questions below help us to better understand who you are and how you will fit into the program of cultural immersion, language learning, and field research. It makes little difference whether you have extensive or no experience traveling abroad, or whether you have skills that derive from non-academic employment or not. OSEA welcomes a diversity of applicants and accepts students with a WIDE range of life experiences, skills and motivations. We benefit from knowing about your unique attributes in order to create a learning, training, and personal experience that is more attuned to your individual needs and life histories.
The questions below are intended as a means for you to help us create a more vibrant and relevant program. Please address the questions below to the extent that you wish.
Short Narrative Answer, Max. 500 Words. Why do you want to participate in OSEA's programs? In your answer you may find it useful to address your interest in the subject matter of the OSEA programs and how your participation in OSEA will contribute to the realization of your own long-or short-term educational, career and/or personal goals and development.
Max. 250 Words: Describe your participation in any collaborative projects that may have involved research, teaching, or community involvement. If you have participated in such activities, we are interested to know such things as: What did you do? What roles did you assume and why? What did you get out of your participation? What did you contribute to the project? How do you work with others?
Max. 200 Words: Describe any experiences you have had living or traveling outside of the USA or any other cross-cultural experiences and personal history that may help to enrich your participation in and contribution to the OSEA Program.
Max. 200 Words: If you find it relevant, please describe those aspects of your work history or background that may have provided you with technical or other skills, tools, aptitudes, and or personal qualities that will contribute to a more rewarding participation in the OSEA Program.
Teaching English Service Learning Application Questions Max 300 Words. Tell us about your interests, motives, and goals in learning Maya. In particular let us know why you seek an intensive program that is based on linguistic and cultural immersion in rural Maya communities as well as your expectations about the results of your participation in the OSEA program.
Application and Processing Fee
Please see our Payment Process for instructions.
Troubleshooting Application Problems If you have any questions or difficulties with this system please contact us as soon as possible by email at onlineapps@osea-cite.org. If you have an urgent concern you may also reach us by phone at 812.669.1369. Thank you for your interest in OSEA!