The most up to date information about OSEA positions and news can be found on our Facebook page
Please Check for NEW Job Postings in August and Sept
OSEA Program Assistant positions are ideal for grad students working in Latin America, specifically México or even Yucatán. These positions provide graduate students with additional expertise and professional training in the conduct of field study abroad programs.
OSEA typically seeks new field assistants and program coordinators each year. Open positions are announced in August with submission of materials in December. Hiring decisions are typically made in late December or early January for part time employment during the spring and full time during the summer program.
Posted Sept 10 2015
OSEA Seeks Qualified Candidates for Teaching & Research Staff Positions, Summer 2016
→ Ethnography Field School Tteaching Assistant
→ Program Coordinator for SELT Teach English
→ Ethnography Project Team Leaders (three work study intern positions)
POSTED May 10 2014
OSEA Seeks Visual Ethnographer or Documentary Filmmaker for Ethnographic Film Project for Summer 2015
Ideal for Masters Student in Film or Early Career Professional
The selected person will collaborate with the director and staff of OSEA to produce and edit an ethnographic film on Maya artists and artisans who create and market contemporary art and handicrafts at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México. The film is to focus on the revitalization of pre-Columbian Maya aesthetics that drives this contemporary Maya art tradition and the struggle of contemporary Maya to develop their art in the context of the massive international tourism industry of the region and the government promotion of tourist art for this market. The film will have shared authorship with Dr. Quetzil Castañeda, director of OSEA—The Open School of Ethnography and Anthropology. This is not an employment position.
To learm more about this position, read details here.
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POSTING January 10, 2013
OSEA Seeks Documentary Filmmaker for Ethnographic Film
Ideal for Masters Student in Film or Early Career Professional
The selected person will collaborate with the director and staff of OSEA to produce and edit an ethnographic film on Maya artists and artisans who create and market contemporary art and handicrafts at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México. The film is to focus on the revitalization of pre-Columbian Maya aesthetics that drives this contemporary Maya art tradition and the struggle of contemporary Maya to develop their art in the context of the massive international tourism industry of the region and the government promotion of tourist art for this market. The film will have shared authorship with Dr. Quetzil Castañeda, director of OSEA—The Open School of Ethnography and Anthropology. This is not an employment position.
To learm more about this position, read details here.
Download pdf of detailed announcement
New Postings for 2013 Programs
(posted August 25, 2012)
SELT Teaching English Service Learning Program Assistant or Coordinator Instructor
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Ethnography Field School Program Assistant for 2011 Summer
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SELT / TESL Teaching English Service Learning Program Coordinator Instructor 2012 Summer
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SELT / TESL Teaching English Service Learning Program Coordinator Instructor 2011 Summer
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